Event Guidelines & ETTiquette

Our team is committed to facilitating a welcoming and respectful community for all. These Event Guidelines share our community expectations and applies to all attendees, employees, exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, volunteers, and other participants at ALL AnimeKon events.

We empower all participants in our community to actively engage in creating a friendly and safe environment for all.


  • Be kind and considerate. Respect personal space and common courtesy rules for personal interaction.
  • Be mindful of others around you to ensure a great experience for your fellow participants.
  • Refrain from displaying any demeaning, harassing, aggressive, or intimidating materials or behaviour.
  • Do not damage private or communal property.
  • Obey the rules and regulations of the venue.
  • Promptly report any behaviour that makes you, or others, feel uncomfortable to the nearest AnimeKon representative.


A weapon is considered as anything that could accidentally or purposefully cause injury to another attendee.  We ask that you use common sense when bringing any prop weapon to the event.

All costume weapons and props must conform to local law stipulations.

Avoid bringing hard prop weapons to the event. We encourage the use of light materials such as foam, composite, light woods, and cardboard when crafting prop weapons.

Functional firearms are not permitted in the event or on event grounds. This includes actual firearms, BB guns, airsoft guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, cap guns and realistic looking firearms that can be confused with actual firearms.

Functional projectile weapons are not permitted, including slingshots or other sling devices, crossbows, long and short bows, rubber band guns, etc.  Bows and the like are permitted so long as the string is removed or loosened to the point that it cannot fire a projectile.  Arrows or projectiles are allowed so long as they do not have a sharp tip and/or any sharp tip is removed.

Metal blade weapons that are sharpened are not permitted including swords, daggers, knives, throwing stars, axes, and the like.
Chemical weapons and explosives including fireworks are not permitted.

Costumes & Cosplay

We are a family-friendly event. Please use common sense and be considerate of other attendees, our guests, and exhibitors.

  • No costume is not a costume.
  • Paint alone is not a costume.
  • Pasties are not allowed.
  • If your costume is deemed too revealing, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate, you’ll be asked to change or cover up. Please make sure your costume is well constructed and you have appropriate under garments on. No inappropriate signs, no signs offering services or making requests to be hugged or touched. You’re welcome to politely ask for a hug, but do not hug anyone without explicit permission
  • Items such as heat, glue and/or soldering guns are NOT permitted within the convention unless prior approval has been sought and garnered by the event coordinators.

AnimeKon cannot be held liable for any damage incurred to your costume and you assume all risks, known or unknown, while engaging in cosplay activities.

Inappropriate Behaviour—Harassment, Aggression, and Intimidation

Harassment, aggression, and intimidation are hurtful and interfere with other people’s experience and participation in our community. These behaviours are inappropriate and unacceptable.

Inappropriate behaviour can take many forms such as slurs; jokes; derogatory statements; foul or obscene language; leering; stalking; staring; gestures; pictures, drawings or cartoons; violating personal space by impeding or blocking another person’s movement or otherwise physically interfering with them; harassing photography or recordings; or social media postings.

Consequences of Inappropriate Behaviour

Inappropriate behaviour is NOT tolerated. If asked to stop behaving inappropriately, you should comply immediately.

AnimeKon reserves the right to refuse entry to or remove any party from the event at any time. All determinations are at the sole discretion of AnimeKon, Inc., and the decision of the leading AnimeKon representatives will be final.

Severe breaches of these Event Guidelines may result in disqualification from participating in future events.

Individuals expelled due to violation of the Event Guidelines will NOT be eligible for a refund or other consolation.

What to Do about Inappropriate Behaviour

If you witness or are subjected to inappropriate behaviour or have any other concerns, notify an AnimeKon staff member as soon as possible.

If you have questions regarding these Event Guidelines or their implementation, please contact info@animekonexpo.com.

Official Event Photography

By entering, and by your presence at, AnimeKon events, you consent to be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded.

Your entry constitutes your consent to such photography, filming and/or recording and to any use, in any and all media throughout the universe in perpetuity, of your appearance, voice and name for any purpose whatsoever in connection with all our productions.

By entering the event, you understand that all photography, filming and/or recording